In this exercise you will be taking the ratamacue and adding quarter note feet underneath, as you have done with many other rudiments. All exercises will involve playing something with a foot at exactly the same time as playing something with a hand and it is hugely important that these notes are played exactly at the same time. At the bottom of the page you will find a collection of links to lessons you may find useful when learning these exercises.

I have only given a small selection of ideas here, it is important that you try and create your own versions based on the given parts. There are a huge amount of options even with the restrictions of this lesson. It is also very important that you use the four different stickings for each exercise, I have left out stickings in all exercises but they can be found in the sticking lesson linked at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1

Adding crotchet feet under a ratamacue

Exercise 2

Adding crotchet feet under a ratamacue

Exercise 3

Adding crotchet feet under a ratamacue

Exercise 4

Adding crotchet feet under a ratamacue

Exercise 5

Adding crotchet feet under a ratamacue


  • Using the 2 minute rule, get all exercises up to a tempo of 120bpm with good hand technique.
  • Use standard, reversed and alternate sticking patterns with each exercise.
  • Create additional feet patterns for the exercises.
  • Play all exercises as a continuous pattern, then repeat.


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