In the lessons area you will find a collection of article based free online drum lessons desinged to help improve all areas of your playing. Articles are split up into different categories based on difficulty ratings and basic topics such as Rudiments, theory and Notation. You can navigate these categories using the drop down menu to the right.
Each category is then split up into topics. These topics include: grooves, fills, exercises, phrasing and many other areas. These are then split again into much more specific sub categories to further help you find exactly what you are looking for. Related lessons are linked within most pages and tags are used to help more accuratetly describe a lesson and aid the ability to track down a specific topic. You are also able to use the search bar located in the top right of every page to find free online drum lessons based on keywords you wish to look at.
Our free online drum lesson area takes a 'conceptual' approach to teaching a topic. This means that you will often find an idea presented for the construction of a groove or fill rather than a set specific pattern, allowing you to both learn the given parts as exercises then develop the movement to suit your own playing style. When used properly, this will give you potentially hundreds of ideas from a single page. In many lessons short phrases or example pieces are provided to demonstrate practical uses of the part. Full example pieces presented in standard drumscore sheet music format are currently being worked on for all levels.
Recently we have been working on our Premium Lessons area. Here you will find a collection of more involved exercises that you can download as a PDF pack that includes MP3 files of all parts used. There are free examples of these over on the Free Scores Page.
Free online drum lessons are added regularly so be sure to check back often. If you have suggestions for improvements to existing material or for things you'd like to see covered please email us on