A very straight forward orchestration of the single stroke roll designed to get your hands moving around the kit.
A very straight forward orchestration of the single stroke roll designed to get your hands moving around the kit.
Creating some simple orchestrations that move around the kit in a set grouping.
Creating more simple orchestrations that move around the kit in a set grouping.
Creating more simple orchestrations that move around the kit in a set grouping.
Creating more orchestrations that move around the kit in a various lengths of set grouping.
Creating slightly more complicated orchestrations that move around the kit in staggered groupings.
Midly syncopated two bar single stroke roll orchestrations in blocks of six.
Syncopated single stroke roll orchestration in blocks of three.
An interesting alternative to orchestrating the single stroke roll in straight 'blocks'.
A single stroke roll orchestration where all notes are played on the snare except those on a numbered count creating a 'simulated accent' pattern.
A single stroke roll orchestration where quarter notes are played on cymbals.
A single stroke roll orchestration where any note played on a right hand is moved around the kit.
A single stroke roll orchestration where any note played on a right hand is moved around different cymbals.
A single stroke roll orchestration where two previous orchestration ideas are combined.
A single stroke roll orchestration where several previous orchestration ideas are combined.
A single stroke roll orchestration where two previous orchestration ideas are combined.
A single stroke roll orchestration where any note played on an 'e' is moved around the kit.
A single stroke roll orchestration where toms are placed on offbeat counts.
A single stroke roll orchestration where any note played on an 'a' is moved around the kit.
A single stroke roll orchestration where cymbals are placed on offbeat sixteenth 'a' counts.
Orchestrating a single stroke roll in an odd grouping.
Creating more simple orchestrations that move around the kit in a set grouping but starting on the left hand.
A single stroke roll orchestration where cymbals are placed in offbeat counts.
A single stroke roll orchestration where cymbals are placed on offbeat sixteenth 'e' counts.