In the fills that follow you will be combining the versions of the single stroke 4 that start and end on the beat. This creates a staggered effect that has a really cool sound. You can combine the idea present here with the Ending On The Kick and all other orchestration and fill contructions ideas covered previously to create some really interesting parts.
In each exercise on this page you will be given a rhythmic idea played on the snare followed by orchestrations of the idea. At the bottom of the page I have provided some four bar patterns that use the fill in the fourth bar to show how these would fit in with a groove..
Exercise 1
In this example you will be play a four stroke roll followed by an extra 8th note twice followed by a straight version of the rudiment. Phrase markings have been included in the notation to clarify:
Orchestration 1
Orchestration 2
Orchestration 3
Exercise 2
This is a reversed version of the previous exercise. Again, phrase markings have been included to clarify the rhythm:
Orchestration 1
Orchestration 2
Orchestration 3
Exercise 3
In this version you combine the two versions of the single stroke 4 by playing one after the other:
Orchestration 1
Orchestration 2
Orchestration 3
Exercise 4
In this exercise you take the same idea as the previous exercise but reverse the order you use the versions:
Orchestration 1
Orchestration 2
Orchestration 3
- Using the 2 minute rule, all exercises and orchestrations up to a tempo of at least 120bpm.
- Create four or eight bar patterns using the fills presented above.
Listed below are several four bar patterns the incorporate the fills presented above.
Phrase 1
This example takes rhythm 1 from the previous page and adds some flams to the orchestration.
Phrase 2
The fill in this example takes rhythm 3 from the previous page and turns it into a half bar fill.
Phrase 3
The fill in this example takes rhythm 2 and adds Sextuplets at the end.
Phrase 4
This examples turns rhythm 4 into a two bar pattern and adds Accents.
Phrase 5
The fill here takes rhtyhm 1 from the previous page and adds crashes.