So far all our fills have involved coming out of a groove and playing something mainly based on a single stroke roll. We're going to take a different approach this time by using variations on the groove (or 'A' part) you are playing. This is really easy to do and can be very affective. In fact we've pretty much covered how to do this in our Two Bar Grooves lessons. Through that lesson we showed how you can take a bar of groove then vary it to create a second bar to the pattern. The aim of this lesson is to show how a varied groove can be applied as a 'B' part in a four bar structure. There will be a separate lesson on ideas for what to play for this part, the intention here is to familiarize you with the structure of doing this.
In the examples below an 'A A A B' Structured Pattern has been given where the 'A' is a groove and the 'B' is a variation on this groove.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
- Using the 2 minute rule, get all exercises up to a tempo of 120bpm. Make sure the exercise is continuous with no gaps between the groove and fill.
- Using manuscript paper write out at least two of your own patterns using this structure