Seven Stroke Roll With Quaver Feet

This lesson is a continuation of our our 16th Note Five Stroke Roll Sticking and Seven Stroke Roll With Crotchet Feet lessons, the content will be much more straight forward if you have covered this already.

The exercises in this lesson will focus on combining the seven stroke roll with feet ostinati similar to those learned in many other rudiments. These exercises should be very simple but are useful for pushing the co ordination and syncronization of your limbs.

Each exercise is shown with the two different rhythmic versions of the rudiment with feet added as quavers. At all points make sure you are using good hand and foot technique and that your timing is accurate. Don't let the second note of the double strokes drop in volume. Remember that this set of exercises is just a short set of ideas for adding feet, there are many more combinations you can try. You should also remember to experiment with alternate stickings.

Exercise 1

Adding quaver feet to the rudiment

Exercise 2

Adding quaver feet to the rudiment

Exercise 3

Adding quaver feet to the rudiment

Exercise 4

Adding quaver feet to the rudiment

Exercise 5

Adding quaver feet to the rudiment


  • Using the 2 minute rule, get all exercises up to a tempo of at least 130bpm.
  • Take two of the exercises above and turn them into a 2 bar long repeated pattern.
  • Create further variations with the feet.
  • Orchestrate the given patterns.


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