I recommend you work through the Singles To Doubles rudiment workout before starting this lesson.

In this rudiment workout you will be playing exercises that switch from playing single stroke rolls to paradiddles. Make sure you are comfortable with the sticking for these rudiments before proceeding.

Exercise 1

Start off by playing both rudiments as quavers. Here you have one bar of singles as quavers followed by one bar of paradiddles as quavers. Repeat this pattern over.

Singles To Paradiddles As Eighth Notes


  • Use the Two Minute Rule to get this exercise up to a tempo of at least 120bpm.

Exercise 2

Double the note values to sixteenth notes.

Singles To Paradiddles As Sixteenth Notes


  • Use the Two Minute Rule to get this exercise up to a tempo of at least 100bpm.

Exercise 3

Sticking with the rudiments as semi quavers, play two bars of each rudiment before switching.

Singles To Paradiddles As Sixteenth Notes


  • Use the Two Minute Rule to get this exercise up to a tempo of at least 100bpm.

Exercise 4

If you try to play half a bar on each rudiment as eighth notes you end up with a new rudiment called a Triple Paradiddle. This is shown below.

Singles To Paradiddles As Eighth Notes


  • Use the Two Minute Rule to get this exercise up to a tempo of at least 120bpm.

Exercise 5

Here you have a the same concept as 16th notes. This allows straight singles and paradiddles rather than creating a new rudiment.

Singles To Paradiddles As Sixteenth Notes


  • Use the Two Minute Rule to get this exercise up to a tempo of at least 100bpm.


  • Create further singles to paradiddles exercises. For example four bars of each rudiment.
  • Add feet into the exercises above.
  • Orchestrate the exercises above.
  • Reverse the exercises so you start on a paradiddle.


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