Adding A 16th Note Snare Afer Beat 1 Of A 6/8 Groove

In this lesson you will be added a 16th Note Offbeat Snare on the 'a' count after beat 1. The rhythm of this extra note will be quite similar to that used in our Adding A 16th Note To The Right Hand On Beat 1 lesson so it would be beneficial to cover this first.

Written below is a very basic 6/8 groove wiuth the additional snare included. Check you have the counting correct then play the pattern until you are comfortable. When you can repeat the groove at a decent tempo with no mistakes have a go at learning the grooves listed below which are variations of this basic pattern.

A basic version of the groove Check Your Counting:

Can't work it out? Click here for the answer.

The counting for this rhythm is: 1+2 3 4 5 6

Example 1

Decorating a 6/8 groove with 16th note snares

Example 2

Decorating a 6/8 groove with 16th note snares

Example 3

Decorating a 6/8 groove with 16th note snares

Example 4

Decorating a 6/8 groove with 16th note snares

Example 5

Decorating a 6/8 groove with 16th note snares


  1. Using the 2 minute rule, get all grooves up to a tempo of at least 120bpm.
  2. Create your own variations on these patterns. Write as many down as possible.
  3. Use these patterns as part of a Structured Pattern. This idea works well as both a fill or groove.


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