The Flamacue Played On The Hands And Feet

This lesson is a continuation of our flamacue on the feet lesson and you will expanding on this in the same way you did in our Single Stroke Roll On The Hands And Feet lesson. As with similar lessons, the aim on this page is to improve the timing of your feet by giving them a reference point for timing. Your feet will be copying your hands as both sets of limbs will be playing exactly the same thing at all points.

You will be given three sets of flamacue exercises for the hands and feet, each using a different note value. For each note value you will be given a version where the feet are split between the bass drum and hi hat and a second version using double bass drum. If you don't have a double pedal or two bass drums on your kit, the hi hat and bass drum exercise acheives exactly the same thing. There will be snares added above the foot part, also playing a flamacue at the same note value. Sticking is provided underneath and refers to both the hands and feet.

When playing these exercises make sure your left foot is playing at the same volume as the right. Because this is generally your weaker foot it may need some attention. You can also use the snare notes to make sure the feet are playing exactly in time.

Eighth Note Exercises

Start out slowly, using eighth notes and minims. This allows you to get placement accurate before building up speed.

Hi Hat And Bass Drum

The eighth note exercise with hi hats.

Double Kick

The eighth note exercise with double kick.


  • Using the 2 minute rule, get the exercise up to a tempo of around 130bpm.

Sixteenth Note Exercises

Then double up to create sixteenth notes and crotchets. Nothing has changed here except the speed of the notes.

Hi Hat And Bass Drum

The sixteenth note exercise with hi hats.

Double Kick

The sixteenth note exercise with double kick.


  • Using the 2 minute rule, get the exercise up to a tempo of around 110bpm.
  • Reverse the sticking of the exercise.


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