Sticking For The Triple Stroke Roll

In this lesson you will be playing triplets with three strokes on each hand. This is obviously more notes than you would usually play on one hand but it is great for building up strength and stamina. Whilst learning the various versions below, ensure the dynamic level of all notes stays the same. It is very easy to let this vary but that will make the part sound sloppy.

In the examples below you can see the sticking applied to eighth note triplets in standard and reversed sticking. I have also given the same sticking applied to sixteenth note triplets which is really the same idea just played much quicker.

Exercise 1

Eighth note triplets played with a triple stroke sticking.

A triplet played with triple strokes.

Exercise 2

Exercise 1 with reversed sticking.

A triplet played with triple strokes.

Exercise 3

The sticking applied to sixteenth note triplets.

A triplet played with triple strokes.

Exercise 4

Exercise 3 with reversed sticking.

A triplet played with triple strokes.


  • Using the 2 minute rule, get both eighth note exercises up to a tempo of 140bpm.
  • Using the 2 minute rule, get both sixteenth note exercises up to a tempo of 100bpm.


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