'R L L F' Played As Eighth Note Triplets In 3/4

In this lesson you will be taking the straight RLLF exercise learned previously as quavers and semi quavers and playing it over eighth note triplets in the time signature of 3.4. This was done in the time signature of 4/4 in This Level 3 Lesson and it is important you have covered this already.

The mechanics and physical movements of this exercise will be the same as all other RLLF sticking ideas but the difficulty comes in making it fit within the time signature. When we used this rhythm in 4/4 you could fit three full instances of the RLLF within one bar, so even though the four beat grouping was being played in a rhythm based in threes it at least fit within a bar. That isn't the case here. In this time signature you will fit two full instances of the grouping with one note left over. What we do in exercises like this is keep repeating the grouping until it lines up with the start of a bar again and in this case you need to keep going for four bars until that happens.

This part can almost be described as polymetric as you are using two distinctly differnet time signatures.

This odd time timing can be incredibly hard to get your head around. The best way to do it is start playing the pattern really slowly with a metronome. If you can have it count triplets within the 3/4 count that will make your life a little easier. Before playing, listen to the click and play the part a long with it in your head to get a feel of how it's going to work. When you think you have made some sense of it start playing.

Here is the straight pattern with no accents.

The RLLF exercise played over triplets in 3/4.

Then here it as with accents and ghost notes:

The RLLF exercise played over triplets in 3/4.


  1. Using the 2 minute rule, get the exercises up to a tempo of around 150bpm.


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